Serialization (Export)

CIMPyORM can be used to serialize datasets into XML-files as defined by the CIM standard. This way, datasets can be exported from CIMPyORM to facilitate import into other tools.

Dataset preparation

Before serialization, a dataset needs to be created and populated with CIM objects. To do this, either parse a dataset (as described in Quickstart), or start with an empty dataset and fill it with your own objects:

dataset, model = cimpyorm.create_empty_dataset(version="16")

Either add single objects:

term1 = model.Terminal(id=42, phases=model.enum.PhaseCode.v.AB)

Or add multiple at once:

dataset.add_all((model.Terminal(id=id) for id in range(10))

And finally commit the changes to the database:



Once your dataset is ready to be exported, you can use the export function to generate the XML representation of the dataset as an InMemory-BytesIO object that can be written to disk or streamed.

cimpyorm.export(dataset, mode='Single', profile_whitelist=None, header_data=None)[source]

Returns a XML-serialization of the dataset within a zip-Archive.

  • dataset – The dataset/SQLAlchemy-Session object to export.

  • mode (str) – {‘Single’, ‘Multi’} - The export Mode, e.g. Single-File or Split by profiles.

  • profile_whitelist (Union[list, tuple, None]) – The profiles to export. Mandatory if Export-mode is ‘Multi’. Profiles can be specificed by their full name (e.g. ‘EquipmentProfile’ or their short name ‘EQ’)

  • header_data (Optional[dict]) – Additional information for creating the file-headers (FullModel Objects). This is a dictionary of CIM-header supplements. Currently only the ‘profile_header’ field is supported, in which a list of profile identifiers (e.g. ‘’) are defined.


A BytesIO-filehandle containing a zip-archive of the export.

The result can be written to disk by:

with open("outfile.xml", "wb+") as f:   # Open the file handle in binary mode with write permissions