Source code for cimpyorm.Model.Elements.Base

#   Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020 Institute for High Voltage Technology and Institute for High Voltage Equipment and Grids, Digitalization and Power Economics
#   RWTH Aachen University
#   Contact: Thomas Offergeld (
#  #
#   This module is part of CIMPyORM.
#  #
#   CIMPyORM is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license.
#   For further information see LICENSE in the project's root directory.

from typing import Union
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import lru_cache

from sqlalchemy import Column, String, ForeignKey, ForeignKeyConstraint, JSON
from sqlalchemy import Table
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

from cimpyorm.auxiliary import get_logger, merge_results, XPath
from cimpyorm.Model import auxiliary as aux

log = get_logger(__name__)
se_type = namedtuple("se_type", ["name", "postpone"], defaults=(False,))
se_ref = namedtuple("se_ref", ["name", "namespace_name"], defaults=("cim",))

mtm_profile_namespace = Table("profile_namespace", aux.Base.metadata,
                              Column("profile_name", String(80), ForeignKey("")),
                              Column("namespace_name", String(30), ForeignKey(

class_used_in = Table("class_profile", aux.Base.metadata,
                      Column("profile_name", String(80), ForeignKey("")),
                      Column("class_namespace", String(80)),
                      Column("class_name", String(80)),
                      ForeignKeyConstraint(("class_namespace", "class_name"),
                                           ("CIMClass.namespace_name", ""))

prop_used_in = Table("prop_profile", aux.Base.metadata,
                    Column("profile_name", String(80), ForeignKey("")),
                    Column("prop_namespace", String(80)),
                    Column("prop_name", String(80)),
                    Column("prop_cls_namespace", String(80)),
                    Column("prop_cls_name", String(80)),
                    ForeignKeyConstraint(("prop_cls_name", "prop_cls_namespace", "prop_namespace", "prop_name"),
                                         ("CIMProp.cls_name", "CIMProp.cls_namespace",
                                          "CIMProp.namespace_name", ""))

profile_dep_mandatory = Table("profile_dep_mandatory", aux.Base.metadata,
                              Column("dependant_name", String(80), ForeignKey("")),
                              Column("dependency_name", String(80), ForeignKey(""))

profile_dep_optional = Table("profile_dep_optional", aux.Base.metadata,
                             Column("dependant_name", String(80), ForeignKey("")),
                             Column("dependency_name", String(80), ForeignKey(""))

[docs]class CIMProfile(aux.Base): """ A CIM Profile instance, usually contained in one file. This class holds a profile found in a CIM Schema in a SQLAlchemy ORM. :param name: The profile's name. """ __tablename__ = "CIMProfile" name = Column(String(80), primary_key=True) #: The CIM Properties defined in this profile. properties = relationship("CIMProp", secondary=prop_used_in, backref="allowed_in") #: The CIM Classes used in this profile (not necessarily defined in it). classes = relationship("CIMClass", secondary=class_used_in, backref="used_in") #: The CIM Classes defined in this profile. definitions = {"classes": relationship("CIMClass", backref="defined_in")} #: The CIM Datatypes defined in this profile. datatypes = relationship("CIMDT") mandatory_dependencies = relationship("CIMProfile", secondary=profile_dep_mandatory, primaryjoin="", secondaryjoin="") optional_dependencies = relationship("CIMProfile", secondary=profile_dep_optional, primaryjoin="", secondaryjoin="") short = Column(String(10)) uri = Column(JSON) #: The CIM namespaces contained in this profile. namespaces = relationship( "CIMNamespace", secondary=mtm_profile_namespace, back_populates="profiles" ) def __init__(self, name: str, uri: str, short: str): str = name self.uri: str = uri self.short: str = short
[docs]class CIMNamespace(aux.Base): """ A CIM Namespace instance. This class holds a namespace found in a CIM Schema in a SQLAlchemy ORM. :param short: The namespace's short name. :param full_name: The namespace's full URI. """ __tablename__ = "CIMNamespace" short = Column(String(30), primary_key=True) full_name = Column(String(120)) #: The CIM profiles that contain this namespace profiles = relationship( "CIMProfile", secondary=mtm_profile_namespace, back_populates="namespaces" ) def __init__(self, short, full_name): self.short = short self.full_name = full_name
[docs]class ElementMixin: """ Mixin for schema entities. This provides common functionality to associate individual SchemaElements (such as classes and properties) with namespaces and profiles. The namespace is read from the XMLS-description of the element, the profile is provided externally. :param schema_elements: The XML-Description (an :class:`etree.Element`) defining this ElementMixin. :param profile: Profile name the element is defined in. """ __tablename__ = "ElementMixin" @declared_attr def defined_in(cls): return Column("defined_in", String(80), ForeignKey("")) @declared_attr.cascading def namespace_name(cls): return Column("namespace_name", String(30), ForeignKey("CIMNamespace.short"), primary_key=True) @declared_attr.cascading def name(cls): return Column("name", String(80), primary_key=True) @declared_attr def __table_args__(cls): return (ForeignKeyConstraint(("defined_in",), ("",)), ForeignKeyConstraint(("namespace_name",), ("CIMNamespace.short",))) @declared_attr def profile(cls): return relationship("CIMProfile") @declared_attr def namespace(cls): return relationship("CIMNamespace") nsmap = None XPathMap = None # __columns__ = ("name", "namespace_name") def __init__(self, schema_elements=None): if schema_elements is None: return self.schema_elements = schema_elements = self._get_name() self.namespace_name = self._get_namespace() # Fixme: Do we really need the packages? They are sometimes ambiguous. Addintional # many-to-many mappings seem unnecessary # self.package_namespace, self.package_name = self._get_package() self.Map = None @classmethod def _generateXPathMap(cls): """ Generator for compiled XPath expressions (those require a namespace_name map to be present, hence they are runtime-compiled) :return: None """ cls.XPathMap = {"category": XPath(r"cims:belongsToCategory/@rdf:resource", namespaces=cls.nsmap), "label": XPath(r"rdfs:label/text()", namespaces=cls.nsmap), "stereotype_text": XPath(r"cims:stereotype/text()", namespaces=cls.nsmap)} return cls.XPathMap def _get_namespace(self) -> Union[str, None]: return self._extract_namespace([0] def _get_name(self) -> Union[str, None]: """ :return: The entities name as defined in its description """ return self._get_property("label") def _get_package(self): """ Returns the package name and the packages namespace defined in the description. :return: (Package Namespace, Package Name) """ package = self._get_property("category") if package: return self._extract_namespace(package)[0], package.lstrip("#") else: return None, None @lru_cache() def _get_property(self, name) -> Union[list, str, None]: """ Extract a property from the CIM entity :param name: property name :return: The CIM entity's property as a list, a string, or None """ xp = self.XPathMap if name not in xp.keys(): raise KeyError(f"Invalid name: {name}.") results, _ = self.schema_elements.xpath(xp[name]) try: results = merge_results(results) return results except ValueError: log.warning(f"Ambiguous attribute ({name}) for {}.") return [result for result in set(results)] def describe(self, fmt="psql"): print(self) @classmethod @lru_cache() def _extract_namespace(cls, name_attribute): ns = None for short, full in cls.nsmap.items(): if name_attribute.startswith(full): ns = short ns = "cim" if ns is None else ns remainder = name_attribute.replace(cls.nsmap[ns], "").lstrip("#") return ns, remainder @property def u_key(self): return se_ref(, self.namespace_name)
class CIMPackage(ElementMixin, aux.Base): __tablename__ = "CIMPackage" __mapper_args__ = { "polymorphic_identity": __tablename__, } def __init__(self, schema_elements=None): """ Class constructor :param schema_elements: the (merged) xml node element containing the package's description """ super().__init__(schema_elements)