Source code for cimpyorm.Model.Elements.Class

#   Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020 Institute for High Voltage Technology and Institute for High Voltage Equipment and Grids, Digitalization and Power Economics
#   RWTH Aachen University
#   Contact: Thomas Offergeld (
#  #
#   This module is part of CIMPyORM.
#  #
#   CIMPyORM is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license.
#   For further information see LICENSE in the project's root directory.

from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict

import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import Column, String, ForeignKey, Integer, ForeignKeyConstraint
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from tabulate import tabulate

from cimpyorm.Model.Elements.Base import ElementMixin, CIMPackage
from cimpyorm.Model.Parseable import Parseable
from cimpyorm.Model import auxiliary as aux
from cimpyorm.auxiliary import chunks, get_logger, XPath

log = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class CIMClass(ElementMixin, aux.Base): """ A CIM Schema Class (such as Terminal, IdentifiedObject, ...). The class definition is read from its XMLS-description. :param schema_elements: The XML-Description (an :class:`etree.Element`) defining this CIMClass. :param profile: Profile name the element is defined in. """ __tablename__ = "CIMClass" package_name = Column(String(80)) package_namespace = Column(String(30)) #: The package that contains this class definition. package = relationship(CIMPackage, foreign_keys=[package_name, package_namespace], backref="classes") parent_name = Column(String(80)) parent_namespace = Column(String(30)) #: If this class inherits from a parent class, it is referenced here. parent = relationship("CIMClass", foreign_keys=[parent_namespace, parent_name], backref="children", remote_side="") __table_args__ = (ForeignKeyConstraint(("parent_namespace", "parent_name"), ("CIMClass.namespace_name", "")), ForeignKeyConstraint((package_namespace, package_name), (CIMPackage.namespace_name,, ) def __init__(self, schema_elements=None): """ Class constructor :param schema_elements: the (merged) xml node element containing the class's description """ super().__init__(schema_elements) self.props = [] self.class_ = None if schema_elements is None: return self.parent_namespace, self.parent_name = self._get_parent() @classmethod def _generateXPathMap(cls): """ Compile XPath Expressions for later use (better performance than tree.xpath(...)) :return: None """ super()._generateXPathMap() Map = { "parent": XPath(r"rdfs:subClassOf/@rdf:resource", namespaces=cls.nsmap), "category": XPath(r"cims:belongsToCategory/@rdf:resource", namespaces=cls.nsmap) } if not cls.XPathMap: cls.XPathMap = Map else: cls.XPathMap = {**cls.XPathMap, **Map} def _get_parent(self): """ Returns the parent name and the parent namespace defined in the description. :return: (Parent namespace, Parent name) """ parent = self._get_property("parent") if parent: return self._extract_namespace(parent)[0], parent.lstrip("#") else: return None, None
[docs] def init_type(self, base): """ Initialize ORM type using the CIMClass object :return: None """ log.debug(f"Initializing class {self.full_name}.") attrs = OrderedDict() attrs["__tablename__"] = self.full_name self.Map = dict() if self.parent: attrs["id"] = Column(String(50), ForeignKey(f"{self.parent.full_name}.id", ondelete="CASCADE"), primary_key=True) log.debug(f"Created id column on {self.full_name} with FK on {self.parent.full_name}.") attrs["__mapper_args__"] = { "polymorphic_identity": self.full_name } else: # Base class attrs["type_"] = Column(String(50)) attrs["_source_id"] = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) attrs["_source"] = relationship("SourceInfo", foreign_keys=attrs["_source_id"]) attrs["id"] = Column(String(50), primary_key=True) log.debug(f"Created id column on {self.full_name} with no inheritance.") attrs["__mapper_args__"] = { "polymorphic_on": attrs["type_"], "polymorphic_identity": self.full_name} attrs["_schema_class"] = self if self.parent: self.class_ = type(self.full_name, (self.parent.class_,), attrs) else: # Base class self.class_ = type(self.full_name, (Parseable, base,), attrs) log.debug(f"Defined class {self.full_name}.")
def generate(self, nsmap): for prop in self.props: prop.generate(nsmap) @property def prop_keys(self): if self.parent: return self.parent.prop_keys + [prop.key for prop in self.props] else: return [prop.key for prop in self.props] @property def full_name(self): return self.namespace.short + "_" + @property def all_props(self): """ Return all properties (native and inherited) defined for this CIMClass. """ _all_props = {} for prop in self.props: ns_sensitive_name = if prop.namespace.short == "cim" \ else prop.namespace.short + "_" + if ns_sensitive_name in _all_props: raise KeyError("Duplicate attribute in hierarchy.") _all_props[ns_sensitive_name] = prop if self.parent: return {**self.parent.all_props, **_all_props} else: return _all_props def parse_values(self, el, session): from cimpyorm.Model.Elements.Enum import CIMEnum if not self.parent: argmap = {} insertables = [] else: argmap, insertables = self.parent.parse_values(el, session) props = [prop for prop in self.props if prop.used] for prop in props: value = prop.xpath(el) if prop.many_remote and prop.used and value: _id = [el.attrib.values()[0]] _remote_ids = [] if len(set(value)) > 1: for raw_value in value: _remote_ids = _remote_ids + [v for v in raw_value.split("#") if len(v)] else: _remote_ids = [v for v in value[0].split("#") if len(v)] _ids = _id * len(_remote_ids) # Insert tuples in chunks of 400 elements max for chunk in chunks(list(zip(_ids, _remote_ids)), 400): _ins = prop.association_table.insert( [{f"{prop.cls.full_name}_id": _id, f"{prop.range.full_name}_id": _remote_id} for (_id, _remote_id) in chunk]) insertables.append(_ins) elif len(value) == 1 or len(set(value)) == 1: value = value[0] if isinstance(prop.range, CIMEnum): prop.insert(argmap, value) else: try: t = prop.mapped_datatype if t == "Float": argmap[prop.key] = float(value) elif t == "Boolean": argmap[prop.key] = value.lower() == "true" elif t == "Integer": argmap[prop.key] = int(value) elif len([v for v in value.split("#") if v]) > 1: log.warning( f"Ambiguous data values for {}:{prop.key}: {len(set(value))} unique values. " f"(Skipped)") # If reference doesn't resolve value is set to None (Validation # has to catch missing obligatory values) else: argmap[prop.key] = value.replace("#", "") except ValueError: argmap[prop.key] = value.replace("#", "") elif len(value) > 1: log.warning(f"Ambiguous data values for {}:{prop.key}: {len(set(value))} unique values. " f"(Skipped)") # If reference doesn't resolve value is set to None (Validation # has to catch missing obligatory values) return argmap, insertables def to_html(self, **kwargs): df = self.property_table() return df.to_html(**kwargs) def describe(self, fmt="psql"): df = self.property_table() tab = tabulate(df, headers="keys", showindex=False, tablefmt=fmt, stralign="right") c = self inh = dict() inh["Hierarchy"] = [] inh["Number of native properties"] = [len(c.props)] while c.parent: inh["Hierarchy"].append( inh["Number of native properties"].append(len(c.parent.props)) c = c.parent for val in inh.values(): val.reverse() inh = tabulate(pd.DataFrame(inh), headers="keys", showindex=False, tablefmt=fmt, stralign="right") print(inh + "\n" + tab) def property_table(self): table = defaultdict(list) for key, prop in self.all_props.items(): table["Attribute"].append(key) table["Attribute type"].append(prop.type) table["Native"].append(prop.used) table["Defined in"].append( table["Optional"].append(prop.optional) table["Multiplicity"].append(prop.multiplicity) try: table["Datatype"].append( except AttributeError: try: table["Datatype"].append(f"{}") except AttributeError: table["Datatype"].append(None) df = pd.DataFrame(table) return df def serialized_properties(self, profile=None): from cimpyorm.Model.Elements.Enum import CIMEnum namekeys = {} for name, prop in self.all_props.items(): if prop.used: if not prop.range: namekeys[prop] = name elif isinstance(prop.range, CIMEnum): namekeys[prop] = f"{name}_name" elif prop.range: if prop.many_remote: pass # Fixme else: namekeys[prop] = f"{name}_id" return namekeys
def highlight_columns(s, cols): return ["color: darkblue" if in cols else "color: darkorange" for v in s.index]